I sit by a golden tree, and watch leaves dance with air I build a sandy castle, and listen to the calm sea sing I stare at the starry sky, and wonder what is hiding behind I take a bite of chocolate, and hope the happy moment last
XXX my dream game in the works
oliver's weekend gamejam entry for GMTK-2020
??? birthday gift for my then girlfriend
Software projects
dew a functional programming language with first-class streams

Ever since I learned about these ideas of programming langauge theory, I was hoping to use them for making games. It's about abstraction of time flowing, and is a natural fit for interactive arts. I wonder why nobody else has already made something similar

homepage | animation exercises | written in OCaml

bud a build system that doesn't suck

I can't take the pain from using other build systems, so I made a new one that is better than all others. I enjoy my experience with bud, every day when I program

To be relased as open source hopefully soon-ish; written in Rust

mallow a more powerful C preprocessor

Rather than waiting for a programming language perfect for game development to come up, maybe all I need is plain C with a little bit of syntax sugar

git repo | written in OCaml

timecat a NoSQL database that preserves all history

Information is valuable. So why not keep all information forever?

written in Go

lovecat game parameter tuning

Programming is a new way to make art, but how to make the process more interactive?

written in Lua